Set in 1952, 'Rajanna' is the story of a little orphaned girl named "Malli'
who comes to find out that she is the daughter of a man named 'Rajanna'.
Rajanna was an honest, just and passionate man who fought against the
oppression and tyranny of the feudal 'Zamindars' in their village.
These 'Zamindars' regime was in turn
... supported by the Nizam's kingdom in Hyderabad.

As she hears more of the truth, she finds out about how Rajanna realized the
stark truth of people's lives in their village. It had been years
since India's independence, yet the people were not free. The British
had left but the Zamindars, the Razakkars and the Nizam's men ruled
them with a brutal iron fist. So, Rajanna had a vision – to win
freedom for his people so they could live lives filled with dignity
and honor.

Rajanna started singing songs about rising against the order of the
day. He took his fight even further by picking up his axe to fight the
armies of the brutal regime. By doing this, he started inspiring the
people of his village. His willingness to rise and fight
injustice automatically made him the most feared enemy of the Nizam's

Rajanna knew that his people needed to truly be free. He knew they needed
change. He knew that change would not come easy. Malli finds out how
Rajanna rose to
inspire this change for his people.

While Rajanna fought for freedom from the Nizam and from the rule of
the autocratic Zamindars, his daughter Malli faces oppression of a different
kind. Freedom of expression is denied to her, due to the whim of a Feudal
Zamindar, a 'Dorasani'. Malli infuriated the Dorasani with a simple single
wish, she chose to the sing the songs of her father, the melodies that
he brought
to life. Now, the Dorasani wants Malli to pay with her life. But Malli,
chooses to rise, just like her father, when no one else did.
Inspired by the tale of her father’s accomplishments, Malli fights a battle
of her own. She will not stop at anything to right the wrong that she sees
around her. Urged on by the spirit of her father and the good wishes of
those around her, Malli starts off on a journey that pushes her limits
beyond her wildest dreams. Will she, a little child win against a host of
tyrants? Will she rise like her dad and succeed in winning basic rights for
her community? Will she change and inspire change, just like her
father did all those years ago?



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