The story revolves around Vandiyathevan, a charming young man who sets out to the Chola land to deliver a message to the King and the Princess from the Crown Prince Aditya Karikalan. The story shuttles between Vandiyathevan's travels in Chola country and the young Prince Arulmozhivarman's travels in Sri Lanka. The narrative deals with attempts by his sister Kundavai to bring back Arulmozhi (as Raja Raja was called before his crowning) to establish political peace in a land seemingly getting besot with unrest and signs of civil war, plotted by vassals and petty chieftains.

Vallavaraiyan Vandiyadevan (Vallavarayan) - Hero of the story. An adventurous, naughty, lucky and attractive young man.
(copied from wiki)

I Think this character suites PRINCE



  1. Say "The Prince" :-)

    Can you give tell the story more detailed ?

  2. Say "The Prince" :-)

    Can you give tell the story more detailed ?


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