Ram Charan's third film, Merupu , that was launched last year, has been put off. Source told us that producer N V Prasad has decided to go with another director instead of Tamil director Dharani. After much dilly-dallying N V Prasad has taken young director Sampath Nandi to Ram Charan to narrate a story and the director of Emaindi Ee Vela reportedly impressed the star very much. So, this movie is all set to go to the sets in the place of Dharani's Merupu.

It should be remember that Dharani came up with a storyline that is too massy and it requires huge budget. But Ram Charan's father Chiranjeevi is not in favour of such risky movies. So the project has been dropped off.

Sampath Nandi is now giving final touches to his script.



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