Nayanthara has managed to bag a role many experienced actresses can only dream of. She will be seen in the role of Sita in Bapu's mythological flick 'Sri Rama Rajyam'. However, there isn't much news about her signing any new projects. Sri Rama Rajyam will most likely be her last film as an actress. She is planning to the tie the knot with long-term boyfriend Prabhu Deva by the end of this year. She wants to leave the industry after tying the knot.

On what was behind her decision to quit the industry post-marriage, Nayanthara quips, "Prabhu Deva told me not to act in films post-marriage. Having thought it through, and discussed it with well wishers I am absolutely confident it is the right decision for me." Her Malayalam film Bodyguard has attracted the attention of filmmakers across all languages. She was even offered the role in the Tamil remake but she did not accept it. She says she plans to settle down as a housewife



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